I don’t know if it was the ending of the summer, or the
early-onset darkness, or the near-doubling of my commute time. Perhaps it was
the Florida-like humidity, or the concrete collecting in my legs, or my bewildering
inability to find sleep. Maybe it was a feeling of post-partum after the completion
of my Summer of 48, or the embarrassment of yet another speed workout gone
wrong, or the realization that my Sub-3 hour goal for Baystate seems more and
more out of reach every day.
Whatever the reason, there’s just no denying that, last week, I was one cranky bastard.

In my heart, I know I have absolutely no reason to be angry. I have had a great year so far – both in and out of running. My two older children are thriving in college and seem to have things well under control. My two younger children amaze me every day with how much they’ve grown and we enjoyed a fun (albeit busy) summer together. I accomplished a huge goal by running up NH’s 48 tallest peaks – in 7 days. And I’ve been able to race whenever, and wherever, I want.
So, what’s my problem?
Whatever the reason, there’s just no denying that, last week, I was one cranky bastard.

In my heart, I know I have absolutely no reason to be angry. I have had a great year so far – both in and out of running. My two older children are thriving in college and seem to have things well under control. My two younger children amaze me every day with how much they’ve grown and we enjoyed a fun (albeit busy) summer together. I accomplished a huge goal by running up NH’s 48 tallest peaks – in 7 days. And I’ve been able to race whenever, and wherever, I want.
So, what’s my problem?