After taking the last three months of 2009 off from running completely (due to injury) I’ve slowly been working my way back into shape. I built my mileage up gradually starting in January, then added some short tempo runs in March & April and finally mixed in some track workouts with my running club The Gate City Striders beginning in May. I also tried out some early-season races to help me gauge my fitness level in adverse conditions and see just how far I’d come. Well, based on my mixed (at best) Race Results, it turns out I still have a long way to go just to get back to where I was even late last year.

So, not being satisfied with merely running the race myself I set about putting together a GCS uber-team the would not only be capable of taking out aR but also be able to handle anything the other area running clubs in attendance could throw at us, as well. It took some time, but I finally convinced 3 other guys to join me in this quest. They were: Todd Callaghan, Justin Soucy & Denis Tranchemontagne. I had no doubt that Todd could handle the terrain and distance at Pineland having just completed the Boston Marathon in 2:44 before deciding to head off to run the USATF Mountain Series in preparation for his attempt on Mount Washington. Justin & Denis were having strong racing seasons so far, but it remained to be seen if long-distance trail running was something that suited them. I knew that I could hold my own here, but from the start it was clear that I was the “anchor” on this team of Gate City speedsters.

I did some light running just to get limber and find a shady place to relieve myself. Then I returned to the Grove and settled into about the tenth row of runners for the pre-race announcements. By this point the sun was winning the battle with the clouds and things were beginning to heat up. Thankfully, without much fan fair, the cowbell was rung and we were off down the trail. I had done some pre-race research (as I usually do for such things) and discovered that this course was mostly down hill for the first 5k, but then got really rolling from then on including some big climbs after the 15k & 20k marks. So, I took it out easy and gave my legs some time to get under me.
The first 5k went according to plan. Todd (who had started in front) was out of sight. Justin (who passed me during the first mile) was quite a ways in front and Denis (who passed me during the second mile) was just ahead running slightly behind Steve. My 5k split was 20:52. A bit fast, as I was hoping to average 22:00/5k which would get me in at around 1:50:00, but I still felt well under control. Over my shoulder on some of the hairpin turns I could see that Chris Dunn was marking me a bit. Chris was a Pineland Farms veteran and I knew that he’d have a few tricks up his sleeve before this day was through. As expected, the second 5k went by much slower coming in at 24:51. There were some rollers and quiet a bit of open field (read: hot, grassy & sloped) running in that Valley Farm section and I wasn’t about to run myself out of gas this early in the race. However, after the 10k mark I did decide to pick it up a bit since the terrain was a bit more favorable (down) and I wanted to see if I could gain any ground on Steve & Denis while trying to hold Chris at bay.

Luckily the gel did the trick and I started reeling him in. Now, the plan at this point was to stay on his tail for as long as I could before I made my move. Unfortunately, my legs had other ideas and I flew right by him on a slight downhill section. Whoops. 5k to go and now I was the hunted instead of the hunter. I passed the 20k marker in 21:42. So, it was at this point that I decided to hammer as much as possible and try to put some distance on Chris to keep him from thinking about walking me down. That tactic lasted for less than a mile as we quickly hit some un-relenting ups. I slowed a bit but still tried to maintain the same strong effort. Finally we popped through some trees, and I could almost taste the finish. However, we still had to do an entire circuit of one last hay field before we could cross back over the road to the Grove.
It was at this point that I noticed I had been running fairly closely to Floyd Lavery (a former GCS member and now a member of Trail Monsters). I decided to focus on Floyd and hang on for dear life as we made our way to the finish line. We crested a slight rise and I started my kick. I flew across the road and I could feel Floyd hot on my tail. I skirted some trees and other runners passing in the opposite direction and he was still there. I saw the finish banner and reached down for one last burst of energy. I crossed the line completely spent and a mere breath ahead of Floyd. As it turned, out we both finished with exactly the same time – 1:55:50. But, I got 31st overall and he took 32nd. Not quite the time that I had hoped for but given the day and my lack of long races going in I was pleased with the result. Chris ended up finishing a few minutes after me and I later found out that he’d seized up with leg cramps during the last mile.

Later, we toasted our good fortune (and our running mates over at Acidotic) at the free beer tent and basked in the glow of the sun, the blue grass music and the victory. The entire experience up at Pineland Farms really couldn’t have been any better. The race organizers did a fantastic job of putting on this race as well as the other 6 races that made this weekend-long trail running festival one of the destination events in our area. Whether you like the short stuff (5k & 10k), the long stuff (25k, 50k & 50m) or the wacky stuff (barefoot 5k & canine-cross 5k) this is the place to be. And, as we sat in the grass enjoying our brews the plans for next years trip to Pineland were already percolating in our heads.
ReplyDeleteYou ought to send the picture to Runner's World, where they highlight favorite runs with a picture. Sarah walked by and remarked what a great picture it was too!
Thanks Jim. I'd thought about it. Just never got around to doing it.